Product Details for Material from MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY - 2811-MCP40D17T-502ET - Integrated circuit: rheostat; 5kΩ; I2C; 7bit; SC70-6; SMD

2811-MCP40D17T-502ET MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY Integrated circuit: rheostat; 5kΩ; I2C; 7bit; SC70-6; SMD

Part Nnumber
Integrated circuit: rheostat; 5kΩ; I2C; 7bit; SC70-6; SMD
Basic price
0,38 EUR

The product with part number 2811-MCP40D17T-502ET (Integrated circuit: rheostat; 5kΩ; I2C; 7bit; SC70-6; SMD) is from company MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY and distributed with basic unit price 0,38 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Integrated circuit type : rheostat Resistance : 5kΩ Interface : I2C Converter resolution : 7bit Case : SC70-6 Mounting : SMD Kind of memory : volatile Operating temperature : -40...125°C Number of channels : 1 Max INL : ±0.5LSB Max DNL : ±0.25LSB Manufacturer : MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY

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(keyword 2811-MCP40D17T-502ET MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY Integrated circuit: rheostat; 5kΩ; I2C; 7bit; SC70-6; SMD)
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